About Us

A Little About Us

We bought our 5 acre small farm in June of 2012, after keeping an eye out for acreage for years.  Once we got moved in, we dove right in to trying out farm projects left and right.  We started with a hay crop, meat rabbits (we had already started raising those when we still lived in town), laying hens (we had kept hens in town for about 5 years already) and a small garden because we moved in when it was already summertime (we've gardened for years, including sharing a large garden with friends who lived out of town).  It was a fun introduction to farm life for our family.  I was raised on a cattle ranch and enjoyed country life growing up and sincerely wanted that type of childhood for our children.

Once we had our first successful summer under our belts, we dove in deeper the next spring!  We started lots of seeds indoors and sold quite a few of the starts that we didn't need.  We had a 10,000 square foot garden tilled with a tractor, and proceeded to have a ball planting and harvesting!  We put in 250 strawberry plants, for a future berry crop. We continued to raise rabbits, kept laying hens, and decided to introduce several medium sized batches of meat chickens.  We had a busy spring of building movable chicken pens, and getting things set up that first year.  We also raised 2 batches of hogs, one batch was butchered in the spring and one in the fall.  In the fall we began pasturing horses on our place, which turned into us boarding horses here year round.

Our third growing season on the place, we decided to add to our meat chicken production with the addition of one more movable chicken pen and a larger brooder for the chick stage of growth. We were busy building things once again, this time though the kids got to take a lot of the lead since we'd already built some the previous year we let them have some experience with it.  We also raised 5 fall hogs.  Our horse boarding area was also expended to allow for 4 horses to be boarded/pastured on our place.  Last fall we expanded our strawberry patch by about 100 plants as well.

This spring we've expanded our meat chicken production by about 60%, by adding a 3rd batch.  Then, we decided to cut back on hogs and participate in 4-H (which also means we won't have any hogs for private sale this year).  We are still growing a large garden, and we've expanded some of our garden crops to cater to local small businesses.  We are still boarding horses as well.  Each year we have a hay crop of about 9-11 ton each year.  We love what we do, and we value the experience it is giving our kids as they grow up.

We believe that raising animals that have been treated well, have plenty of fresh air and sunshine as well as shelter from the elements are going to create the best food possible.

We are currently not an organic farm, we do things more naturally.  We haven't found feeding/fertilizing organic to be cost-effective for the families we produce for (including our own).  

Our mission is to strengthen our faith and create friendships, as we raise farm fresh products for local families! We love that we can help provide for a need in our area for farm fresh products and we love this way of life.

~Products we have available seasonally~

Meat Chickens~ Cornish Cross (May-July)
Hogs~ for Butcher (Fall)
Hay~ Alfalfa grass mix (summer)
Garden Starts~ Tomatoes, Peppers, Broccoli (spring)
Garden Produce~ (summer)
Strawberries~ limited U-Pick and by the pound (June)
Raspberries~ limited availability (summer)
Fall Decor~ Gourds, pumpkins, indian corn, corn stalks (fall)
Horse Boarding~ We feed daily/basic care, dry paddock, limited pasture time. (year round)
Eggs~ Limited availability (Spring-Fall)

~Other Products~
(Most are very limited quantities)

Chicken Coops (late winter-early spring only)
Morel Mushrooms (Fresh & Dried)
Horse Manure (fertilizer)
Laying Hen Chicks (can order layer chicks with our meat chick shipments for people)
Homemade Jams

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